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The little magic book The Kybalion

In this earthly life, I am a blessed soul who has the chance to taste the Beyond, by being an instrument of communication for the Superior Spirits. Through this ability, I gain more wisdom and knowledge than the best universities in our country can teach their students. The life lessons of this dimension transcend all forms of human intelligence and I am often amazed at the simplicity of the mentality of spirits.

When I was first confronted with the book The Kybalion, I immediately understood that these lessons were taught to man by the Higher Spirits, with the aim of sharing this on earth. Later, after receiving the texts on the scale of reincarnation, I discovered that not everyone is at the same stage and that understanding the Kybalion texts is not accessible to everyone. Not so much because of the complexity of the writing, but rather because not everyone has yet received the life lessons necessary to welcome this writing. You don't have to be in the very last reincarnation to understand the Kybalion's words, but it's still too early in the early stages. The reincarnated soul who awakens spiritually, and who is therefore in his fourth reincarnation on earth, can find recognition in what is written in The Kybalion.

The texts appearing in the book correspond to what is told to man from the spirit world, through mediums. The highest life lessons can be found in The Kybalion. Many earthly beliefs are based on these texts. If man needs a divine book to guide his life, then I can tell you that The Kybalion is made for that. He can help you understand everything and this without any kind of intermediary who would claim to have the sole power to speak in the name of your God. The Kybalion texts allow you to reconnect with yourself and with the greater EVERYTHING. It is a manual of all universal laws that include man. Thanks to this book, you will better understand who we are and what our place is in the Whole. This book also opens your eyes to what is truly good for the soul, and therefore for man. This study on Hermetic philosophy opens a door that gives you access to an infinite universe, where everything is. In this version that we have reissued, the laws of the universe from the fundamental teachings of the Kybalion are perfectly explained.

This book honestly delivers the truth.

For those seeking knowledge about spirituality, look no further: The Kybalion has it all.
This work is the magic key to open all the doors of the temple of knowledge and it is therefore essential for spiritual discernment. You will understand this when you understand the text of the Kybalion.

Mischa Harmeijer


It is with great pleasure that we present to the attention of students and investigators of the Secret Doctrines this little work based on the ancient Hermetic teachings. So little has been written on this subject despite the countless references to these teachings published in the numerous works on occultism, that true seekers of the truths of the Arcanum will undoubtedly rejoice at the publication of the present volume.

The aim of this work is not to innovate any special doctrine or philosophy, it is to give students an exposition of the Truth which will serve to assemble and reconcile the numerous fragments of occult knowledge which they may have acquired, and which sometimes seem, in appearance, contrary to each other; often by this very fact, they lead to discouragement and disgust those who begin in these studies. Our intention is not to erect a new Temple of Knowledge, but to place in the hands of the student a Master Key, with which it is possible for him to open the most deeply hidden doors of the Temple of Mystery which are found in the few corridors he has already entered.

No part of the occult science known to the world has been so preciously preserved as the fragments of the Hermetic Teachings which have come down to us during the hundreds of centuries which have passed since the death of its great founder, Hermes Trismegistus, “the Writer of the Gods” who lived in ancient Egypt in the days when the present race of men were in their infancy. Contemporary of Abraham, and, if the legend is true, instructor of this venerable sage, Hermes was and still is the Great Central Sun of Occultism, whose rays have served to illuminate the innumerable teachings which have been promulgated since that time . All the fundamental doctrines which relate to the esoteric teachings of each race go back to Hermes. Even the oldest teachings of India undoubtedly have their roots in the original Hermetic teachings.

From the Ganges region many advanced occultists went to Egypt and came to sit with the Master. They obtained from him the Master Key which explained and reconciled their differences of opinion; this is how the Secret Doctrine was clearly established. From other countries, many scholars also came and all considered Hermes as the Master of Masters; although, during the countless centuries that separate us from him, many apostles have taken up his theories and deviated from the path he had indicated. His influence was so great that it is still possible to establish a certain fundamental resemblance between the numerous and often divergent theories propagated today by the occultists of these different countries. He who studies Religions and compares them with each other is able to perceive the influence exerted by the Hermetic Doctrine whatever their currently known names, whether it is a dead religion or a religion in full force in our time. There is always a certain relationship between them despite often contradictory facts and the Hermetic Doctrine acts as the Great Reconciler.

The life of Hermes seems to have been intended to sow the seeds of Truth which grew and developed into so many strange forms, rather than to establish a school of philosophy which would have dominated the thought of the world. Despite everything, during each century, the original truths that he taught have been preserved intact in their original purity by a certain number of men; these, refusing to admit to their ideas a large number of students and curious people with developed inertia, punctually followed the Hermetic doctrine and reserved their truths for those who were well prepared to understand and apply them. These truths were spread verbally, confidentially, among these few men. Thus, there is always a small number of Initiates for each generation and in each country; they kept alive the sacred flame of the Hermetic Teaching and always sought to use their lights to rekindle the less ardent fires of the outside world when the truth seemed to be obscured, darkened by neglect, and its flame seemed ready to burn. 'turn off. There have always been some adepts who piously tended the altar of truth on which the Perpetual Lamp of Wisdom remained constantly lit. These men dedicated their lives to the labor of love that the poet so well defined in these terms:

“Don’t let the flame go out! She is cherished from age to age in her dark cave; in her sacred temples she is cherished. It is nourished by the pure ministers of love; don't let the flame go out! »

These men never sought popular approval or a large following of admirers. They were indifferent to these things because they knew how few in each generation there are who are ready to assimilate the truth or who would recognize it if it were presented to them. They reserved “substantial food for men” while others provided “milk for newborns”. They saved their pearls of wisdom for the chosen few who recognized their value and carried them in their hearts instead of giving them to the vulgar materialists who would have soiled them with mud and assimilated them into their loathsome mental food. Despite all this, these men never forgot or lost sight of the original teachings of Hermes regarding the popularization of the words of Truth to those who are prepared to receive them; this teaching is defined in the Kybalion as follows:
“Under the footsteps of the Master, the ears of those who are ready to understand his doctrine are opened wide. » And this again:
“When the student's ears are ready to hear, then the lips come to fill them with Wisdom. " But their usual attitude has always been in strict agreement with this other hermetic aphorism which is also found in the Kybalion: "The lips of Wisdom are closed, except to the ears of Reason. »

Many people fiercely criticized the actions of the Hermeticists and shouted everywhere that they were not manifesting the original spirit of the master with their policy of seclusion and reticence. But a quick look back, over the pages of their history, will show the wisdom of the Masters who were not ignorant of the folly of teaching the world things for which it was not prepared or which it did not want to admit.

The Hermeticists never sought to be martyrs; they stood silently apart with a smile of pity on their closed lips; during this time the “pagan circled around them with rage and noise”, accustomed as he was to torturing and slaughtering the honest but misguided enthusiasts, who imagined that they could introduce into a race of barbarians the truth capable of be understood only by the elect who have already taken a few steps in the Way.

The spirit of persecution has not yet completely disappeared from all countries. There are certain Hermetic teachings which, if they were publicly promulgated, would cause a great cry of contempt and insult to be raised against their propagators from the multitude and one would hear again: “Crucify him ! Crucify him!”

In this little work we have endeavored to give an idea of ​​the fundamental teachings of the Kybalion; We have described the Active Ingredients in more detail, leaving you to apply them yourself. If you are a true learner you will be able to put these principles into action and use them; if you are not, strive to become one, otherwise the Hermetic Teachings will be for you only “words, words and more words”.

Three Initiates