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In this book, you will find the transcription of the interviews of all the speakers, to learn their intimate words in complete transparency. An obvious and rather rare human choice in our society which wants to be sensational. This moving, authentic and educational book highlights child mediums, aged 12 to 60 today. They share their mediumistic experiences, their explanations about mediumship and their lives.
A document which shows society that mediumship is not chosen by these children, but that it is directed by a force that is the human being. With great courage and without fear of being rejected, the speakers speak from their hearts about this magnificent but difficult phenomenon, during an exchange with the director and medium Mr. Mischa Harmeijer.
And you who are only looking for the sensation of the Beyond, this document is not for you.



Out of nowhere, a shadow of sorts began to manifest itself to me. I think I was between two and three years old. This image is still engraved in my memory. I remember my childhood bedroom that I was in, although a lot of the furniture and colors have faded from my memories. I only remember things that impressed me. For example, and quite surprisingly, the large surface area of ​​the windows.
My childhood bedroom, where I had this first experience, became an image that was created by a terrified child. If I returned to that room today, the image I had of it would probably not match what I observed when I was a child. Simply because the dimensions are completely different, given that I have become much taller than this little boy. And this terrifying experience would be understandable to me today, because I have had others since.
In retrospect, I can say that I have been a medium since birth and that the phenomena that followed are completely in line with my spiritual education, supplemented by my human experiences.
During my spiritual experiences, I was in contact with ignorant souls, I was faced with terrifying images of human acts, images of the future, but also noises, imaginary attacks against me and I traveled towards the sphere close to the Beyond. This contact with the Beyond is the most beautiful experience of my entire life and it is impossible for me to explain in human words what I feel and observe when I am humbly brought back there.
Certainly, it is difficult to determine whether a very young child is medium. You must also be very careful not to put a label without knowing the exact definition of the medium. This can traumatize the human being.
Are you sure you understand the definition of mediumship? There are other causes which give the same effect. We see that children create an invisible world to, in a way, seek a feeling of infinite love that is missing in their real lives. This disturbing behavior is a cry for help from the child, who seeks affection from his parents. This is particularly the case when the death of a very important or close person, when parents ignore their child's request for love, when the parents separate or when violence is inflicted on the child. Psychological disorders and hypersensitivity can also be confused with mediumship. So, the difficulty for parents is to find the best way to support their child, so that they develop as best as possible, without trauma.
Medium children, for their part, are linked to the spiritual world, therefore to higher Spirits. The medium child will be used as an instrument and educated for this purpose. This is completely in accordance with the plan of reincarnation and the cycle of the soul, which is present in this current human being, the medium.
Understand that this instrument is tuned over the years and is perfectly aligned with the spiritual level of the Higher Spirits, with the aim of helping humanity, and not just the human being.
During his childhood, a child medium is exposed to a number of paranormal phenomena which all represent human emotions. This with the aim of educating the child so that he becomes a medium, even forty years later.
Often we also find that a child medium's soul cycle has reached a certain evolution that allows for this spiritual formation. Past life experiences are paranormal experiences that will shock and shape the child. They simply remind the child of his own actions in a previous life or a previous cycle of his soul.
I want to emphasize that a medium child never chose to be a medium and that mediumship does not develop through another human being. It is a work directed solely by the Superior Spirits, which lasts for years and crosses several stages of the human being, from youth to adulthood. Through this film, the debate that will follow and this book, in which all the interviews have been written, I will share with you information from the spiritual world, which can help you further in supporting this phenomenon. These testimonies are shared by child mediums and their close parents. I do not judge whether a child is psychic or not. I was brought to them by the Superior Spirits, because they were chosen to be the main actors in this story which will serve as a lesson from the Superior Spirits to humanity. And you are brought here and our words will help you find the answer to your questions.

And you who seek the sensation of the Beyond, this is not for you.

Long live the Beyond,
Mischa Harmeijer