
preface by Jean-Marie Le Gall Delivery: France – La Poste (standard) / International – La Poste (standard)

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It doesn't matter that it is difficult for humans to accept that there are still natural phenomena that are not visible to them and that they have not taken into account at all. It was ultimately this rejection of this gathering of knowledge that led him to this position and the cessation of the development of his intelligence. Although humans do not want to recognize the truth, everything will happen as it is planned in the law of nature.

To better understand the other dimension, "the Beyond", one must rise through thought above the material horizon and let love lead one's life. This is the whole “HUNARÉ” theory.



Ladies and Gentlemen, DEAR INCARNATED
Since the existence of "Scripture", many higher truths have been shared with humans by higher minds through books, which were whispered into the ears of writers. Those who were truly mediums and who had been selected by the spirit world for the purpose of sharing truths. Many of these writers were not even aware of their real responsibilities and assumed that what they shared came from their own knowledge.
This truth, the truth of life, repeats itself over time and it has nothing to do with plagiarism. The spirit world has been repeating and sharing its information for centuries to provide humans with the divine truth of life. Humans change and evolve, but the truth remains the same. All these books written throughout our history are in no way plagiarisms, but rather information repeated, modified and shared by spirits by manipulating the thoughts of medium writers. The Old Testament testimonies are among these divine writings, or at least what remains of divine truth, because the writings have been repeatedly corrected and some words incorrectly translated due to insufficient knowledge. of the truth of the Beyond. The translators and some writers did not write the texts as they had been dictated, but in such a way that they were understandable with their human knowledge. Or much worse than that: sacred words were transformed by dictatorships who claimed that their Church was the only one that could understand and communicate with God, to dominate and oppress people.
In this book, you will undoubtedly encounter texts that you have already read in another form and with a probably different explanation. The truth has not changed, because it cannot change. Only the knowledge of humanity has changed and, therefore, the texts have been adapted to the times in which we live.
All the texts that you will read in this book come directly from the Beyond and it is not my way of thinking which influenced them because, I say it and I repeat it, I am only a medium who remains in the service of the Beyond.
For years, I have been in contact with my master guide: “Pongh”. I understood that my own consciousness was not wanted at the time of contact with the Beyond. It is true that my experiences can help me to better understand what is being transmitted and, of course, there remains a trace of this knowledge in my brain, but at all times, as a medium, I must ensure that I remain subject to both in my contacts with the Beyond or on earth with humans. I can never judge the mediumship of others, nor can I claim that the knowledge I have acquired is the only truth. It is up to the other to judge whether the truth I must share is their truth. This knowledge cannot be controlled, it is directed by the Beyond. The mediumship that I must share is based on sacred love, a love rarely felt by humans, but this feeling is only recognizable at certain moments of one's life and it constitutes the unique essence for the improvement of his soul. To better understand the importance of love, we must descend into another environment, where love does not dominate. This other dimension is the earth, the school of the soul, where matter governs the human being.
Only the one who does not give any importance to matter in making decisions in his life will find the path of love and that is where his improvement will begin. He will never leave this path. The material will then become, for him, a tool.
The soul in the body learns its lessons of improvement with and through matter. Often the matter is demanding or derives from the truth, but at the basis of this development it is understood that everything is planned and conforms to the law of nature where nothing is influenceable, neither by the human being nor by blade. To better understand the other dimension, "the Beyond", one must rise through thought above the material horizon and let love lead one's life. This is the whole “HUNARÉ” theory.
It doesn't matter that it is difficult for humans to accept that there are still natural phenomena that are not visible to them and that they have not taken into account at all. It was ultimately this rejection of this gathering of knowledge that led him to this position and the cessation of the development of his intelligence.
Although humans do not want to recognize the truth, everything will happen as it is planned in the law of nature. Confrontation will come one day, but it is up to people alone to determine how and when it will happen. Eyes will finally be opened and knowledge will arrive; It is on this day that humans, ashamed of what they used to think, will discover the truth. With our knowledge of the truth, we can conclude that humans must always be respectful of the unknown.
In his book What is Spiritism?, Allan Kardec makes a nice comparison between Spiritism and electricity when talking about electricity and spirits. Electricity is something that seems natural to us; it was discovered by men in 1750, via Benjamin Franklin's experiments on lightning. Electricity was around long before humanity, and for centuries it remained invisible to humans. After its discovery, it became an indispensable element for him. Spirits are in some way comparable to electricity: they are natural but not yet considered at their true value nor accepted by humanity.
When we recognize the existence of spirits, as with electricity, humanity will take a gigantic step forward and we will understand that we can no longer live without them. Spirits, electricity and human beings are elements of the law of nature, because they are present in nature and the universe.
My life is directed by the Beyond and I trust the disembodied, all the benevolent spirits around me, as my master guide “Pongh”. I thank him for being in contact with me and even for using me as an instrument of communication with human beings. I am subject to their instructions, it is my mission in this life on earth and it is not easy. That, I understood and experienced, but I am motivated by those who came before me on earth and I stand with respect in front of them, and especially in front of a soul that I admire: Bernadette Soubirous. She who said: “I am not responsible for making you believe it, I am responsible for telling you it. »
Thank you, Bernadette, for telling me.